The Classic Texas Metal Cistern Est. 1930's

Texas Metal Tanks is proud to manufacture the best looking and highest quality tank for your rainwater or well water storage needs.

Made nearly the same way for 80 years, our tanks have the look and feel of a true Texas cistern and are perfectly suited for drinking water or irrigation purposes. You can choose between galvanized or stainless steel, and our tanks range from 90 to 4400 gallons, with custom sizes available. By the side of your house or elevated on a platform your tank will look awesome and stand up to the heat and hot Texas sun too.

For your garden or water supply, for your home, ranch, school, or commercial site, choose the tank that has been the choice for generations of Texans – Texas Metal Tanks.

How much water can you collect?

1 inch of rain per 1,000 square feet collects 600 gallons of water.

Rule of thumb: Plan your system to hold a 2”- 3” rain event.

Find the tank that’s right for you.

What size tank do you need? What are you using the water for? Tank size depends on intended use.

urban rainwater collection tank
400 Gallon


TANK CAPACITY: < 1,000 gallons
SIZE: 5’ x 7’ max
METAL: Stainless or galvanized
USE: to water gardens / flower beds
PRICE RANGE: $375 – $3,600

rural rainwater collection tank
2,500 Gallon


TANK CAPACITY: 2,500> gallons
SIZE: 8.6’ x 11.4’ max
METAL: Stainless or galvanized
USE: well water /rainwater harvesting
PRICE RANGE: $3,500 – $12,500

commercial rainwater collection tank
2,500 Gallon


TANK CAPACITY: 300-5,000 gallons
SIZE: 8.6’ x 11.4’ max
METAL: Stainless or galvanized
USE: water gardens /irrigation systems
PRICE RANGE: $375 – $12,500

rainwater storage

Choose your preferred metal
that can be customized.

how to collect rainwater

Learn how to size your
rainwater design system.

rainwater storage prices

Find the tank that
meets your budget.

questions about rainwater collection

Unique questions?
We have answers.


  • Tank Installation
  • Raingarden Construction
  • Stormwater Management Tank Systems
  • Custom Tanks

We make more than what’s on the price sheet!

Hardly a week goes by when we don’t get a request for something not on our price sheet. The fact is we can actually do a lot more and many tanks don’t take too much more work. If there’s something you don’t see, just ask us!

rain collection and storage in Texas

Since 2013 we have been in Dripping Springs, TX, the gateway to the Texas Hill Country. Texas Metal Tanks started in the 1930’s in Yoakum, TX. These tanks are handcrafted one at a time, using some of the original machinery. We value creating sustainable products and while time will eventually catch up to each tank, the metal is 100% recyclable.

We provide many products & services to support the increased demand for water created by our booming population. Thanks for visiting and learning about our water tanks!

central Texas rain harvesting